Sunday 24 August 2014

Experience with UniverCell Sync

Showroom is not about having a latest tech product on shelf / Display, its about HOW you arrange it.This

want i saw on UniverCell Showroom.

This Showroom not JUST sell product, but sell specification and features needed by consumer in product.

Just like ONLINE shopping this store have its own category.All products are really well sorted.

 For example.......

If the consumer needs high picture quality in device their is a section called photo/picture were all the product are displayed which provides HIGH picture quality with great resolution.

                                                                  MUSIC SECTION 

Another section named Music were all the product who is known for the music are placed together.

As I was touring the showroom, I was searching for the section were i can find all the latest product gadget and yes I found. It was placed right in front of you were it can attract customer eye.

The STAFF .......yes the salesperson with knowledge who explained every detail the showroom and the product has, explained me the policy which they provide to the customer.

All product were kept in such a way that it can b reachable and readable to the customer.

Being a Student I found each and every that we need in day-to-day life and which are very important and useful.

When I pulled the door,i took away with me Great Experience and whole new Visual idea to scan any Showroom. 
#Peace :)